The Grounds Committee is a group of teachers and parents who initiate, plan and develop changes to our school grounds. We welcome everyone who wishes to attend and share their ideas and expertise with us. During 2024, the Hilton PS Grounds Committee was led by two of our teachers: Heidi Gardiner & Jenna Nygaard.
We highly value the extensive grounds of Hilton PS . The remnant bushland includes some rare and old species of native flora, while also providing a habitat and feeding ground for local fauna, such as our beloved black cockatoos.
We know that when we ‘change’ our physical environment, we change the ways that we might teach, learn and play. Our Grounds Committee members liaise with Hilton staff, our school community and various subject experts, to optimise the learning experience of all our students (and staff), connecting them to their local context and nurturing their environmental awareness. After all, under the shade of a tree is the original space for story telling.
Please contact the School Office if you are interested in joining this dynamic group.

Early Childhood Play Area
Project by Grounds Committee and P&C
The Grounds Committee is working to develop the physical environment of our school in line with the principles of:
- Sustainability
- Bush regeneration
- Nature play
- Water Wise
- Beautification of our grounds
Classes are included in activities such as weeding, planting and maintaining the grounds to contribute toward the ongoing development of our school grounds.