Dear Hilton PS Families, Week 4 of term is looking to be one of beautiful weather. Whilst enjoying our school grounds, please note the following:
1. Hats! Hats! Hats! Please ensure your child has a hat at school and a spare in the school bag. Whilst we are waiting for our Hilton PS hat order to arrive we encourage students to wear any school-colours hat (if they do not have a Hilton hat.) We have a “no hat, play in the shade” policy and no spare hats in the office so please check your child has one 🙂
2. Your Grounds Committee (of parents and staff) work hard to enhance our Grounds to support outside teaching, learning and play. You are very welcome to join our Busy Bee on Sunday 28th May 2023 from 9am. Please express your interest at the school office and we will happily find you a task or two!We will forward a map soon to delineate play areas from outside classrooms :)Thanks to Cath Fitzhardinge for leading our Grounds Committee and to the lovely group of Grounds Committee people who met this week. All welcome 🙂
3. The new and improved CONNECT Now app is available to all school families. See the Step by Step Parent Guide, attached.
New features can be accessed by updating to the latest version of Connect Now or if, you don’t have it yet, download it from the Apple Store or Google Play Store.
4. We appreciate every $ of voluntary contribution you make with your personal items/book lists. Voluntary contributions are welcome any time during the school year as they support our teaching and learning resources in English, Maths and other learning areas. Families who pay their recommended voluntary contributions before COB on Thursday are eligible for lucky dip prizes at the assembly on Friday 19th May. There is a scooter and bike in the prize pool! Thank you for your payments at the school office.
5. Thank you to parents/ carers who engaged with the Supporting Mental Health and Well Being in Kids presentation last week. On Tuesday 23rd May from 6-7pm 2023, we are hosting a session on Social Media & Mental Health for parents/carers of Year 5-6 students. Venue is Room 11. Please reserve your place via 6458 7900.
6. Our Hilton PSSchool Board will be meeting at 5.30pm on Tuesday 16th May 2023 in Room 9. All welcome 🙂
Thank you for your ongoing support of our teaching, learning and play.
Kind regards,