The P&C Association is a vibrant and essential part of the school community. Representing the dedicated and dynamic parent cohort, the P&C plays a pivotal role in building a stronger school community where all children benefit. The P&C is about people just like you – parents, care-givers and community-minded people who want to help their school.
Why Get Involved?
Joining the P&C is a great way to show your children how much you value their education and how interested you are in what they do. Attending P&C functions or nominating for a management position provides an opportunity to network with the principal, teachers, and other parents so that you can discuss the issues that concern you and share your ideas and experiences. Our P&C needs people from all walks of life and with a range of talents who are committed to delivering great outcomes for their children and school.
Everybody has a role to play.
P&C volunteers at the BBQ
How Can I Get Involved?
Come along to a meeting, meet the friendly P&C members, hear the plans for upcoming events and get involved at whatever level you like (e.g. help out at fundraising events, spin a sausage, make a cake, or help coordinate an event).
Meeting Frequency
We meet twice per term, on Monday night at 6pm in Weeks 3 & week 8. The meetings are held in the staff room in the centre of the school and usually finish by 8pm. We welcome you to join for all or some of the meeting time, or online. Links are sent out before each meeting.
Any questions? Please feel free to email or or simply join our Facebook group to stay in the loop – just search Hilton Primary School P&C.
P&C Donations
We are always looking for school and community members to support our operations throughout the year, and your volunteer hours will be gratefully accepted as a contribution to assist our P&C.
However, we also understand that life is busy, and not everyone is able to donate their time to our P&C events and fundraising.
A monetary donation to HPS P&C provides an alternative way to contribute, when your schedule does not allow the capacity or flexibility to volunteer your time.
We welcome donations toward our fundraising goals at any time of the year.
P&C volunteers
How can I make a donation to the HPS P&C?
You can make a donation to the HPS P&C via our square site, electronic bank transfer or cash.
To pay by electronic transfer, send your payment to:
A/C Name: Hilton Primary School P&C
BSB: 066-144
A/C No: 10200087
Reference: Donate – followed by your child’s surname (for receipt purposes)
To pay by cash, enclose payment in a sealed envelope marked ‘P&C Donation’ and your name and phone number and submit at the School Office.
All donations are very much appreciated.
Other types of donations:
When we have a particular event coming up, for example a Busy Bee, we may put together a list of specific items that could be required or useful and seek donation of those items. Alternatively, we may put together a price list for different components of a project, and seek donations to pay for specific items. If you have an item you would like to donate, please contact our President to discuss.
Previous donations, gratefully received, include:
- Quiz night prizes
- Chicken coop
- Small wooden boat for playground
- Plants
- Mulch
- Logs & rocks
Recent Fundraising Projects include:
- Literacy Resources
- Maths Resources
- Contribution toward Year 6 graduation activities
- School Gazebo
- Interschool Sport shirts
- Interactive Smart Screens
- iPads for classrooms
- Upper School Nature Play Area
Sally Deacon
Emma Orchard
13th February
20th March – AGM
8th May
12th June
31st July
4th September
23rd October
27th November