What is Positive Behaviour Support at Hilton Primary School?
PBS stands for Positive Behaviour Support. This is an evidence-based, international system for the intentional teaching of expected behaviours. PBS is used widely in Australian schools. We aim to enhance teaching and learning outcomes by developing consistent, positive behaviours.
At Hilton Primary School, staff model and teach expected behaviours every day. We embed PBS into our daily language and actions to teach our expected behaviours: Courtesy, Consideration and Cooperation.
The specific and expected behaviour for each fortnight is announced at a Year 1-6 assembly on Monday mornings. The focus behaviour is described in our PBS matrix (below) and intentionally taught by all Hilton PS teachers.
Expected behaviours are acknowledged by students receiving DOJO points (inside classes) and/or wooden PBS tokens (outside classes). Each fortnight, one class is acknowledged with the ‘giant token’. As tokens and DOJOs accumulate, students are acknowledged with whole class celebrations.
The goal of PBS at Hilton Primary School is to teach students to choose the expected behaviours at school, at home, and in our community. For example, “We show consideration when we allow others to learn”

Room 8 students with the Giant Token